Enterprise-grade spend controls

Build robust guardrails to keep your spend on track. Protect your business from unauthorised spend while allowing your employees to purchase within your policy.

Confident spend budgets

Set and monitor budgets with crystal clear tracking and overspend alerts.

Right spend, right time

The controls you need to prevent the wrong spend and enable the right spend.

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Sharper insights

Use detailed budgets and real-time spend analysis to drive smarter business decisions.

Trusted by finance teams at Europe's leading companies

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“Makes managing spending and budget control easy. It allows for clean and clear alignment on spendings, budget control with specific tools and platforms, and greatly helps controlling and overviewing costs, storing invoices and supporting decision making.”

Dusan S., Growth Marketing Manager


Customisable controls

Prevent unauthorised card use

Ensure each transaction meets your criteria with customisable controls for card transactions, safeguarding against misuse and keeping your budgets intact.

  • Customisable review criteria
  • Efficient approval routing
  • Enhanced security measures


Spend limits

Track budgets in real-time

Keep your finances in check with live monitoring and proactive alerts for overspending.

  • Real-time spend oversight
  • Automated alerts
  • Track by team and cost center


Streamlined processes

Allow uninterrupted spend

Maintain smooth financial operations even in the absence of primary approvers with our Substitute Approvals feature.

  • Integrates with your HR system
  • No more approval delays
  • Auto-syncs absences


Spend insights

Visualise and analyse spend

Unlock the full story of your spending with visual summaries and detailed spend breakdowns that reveal spending trends and identify potential savings.

  • Spend insights
  • Robust analysis
  • Aids strategic decisions

“Moss has delivered above and beyond our expectations. It’s brilliant, intuitive, and simple to use. The flexibility, receipt capture and card type options are unbelievable.”

Jack H., Head of Finance, AVM Solutions

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"The approval process became more efficient, providing visibility and reducing manual intervention in every transaction. The Moss platform offers the tools they need to manage expenses effectively and implement spend controls, authorisations, and limits, all in one place."

Sophie Gilchriest, Finance Director at Pizza Pilgrims

Pizza Pilgrims logo

“Moss gives us peace of mind that everything is tracked and managed in a way that makes sense. Now we can spend more time helping our clients to achieve their goals and less time processing transactions and monitoring spend.”

Ife Odubela, Head Of Technology, Venture Beyond

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“We finally found a solution that fits the exact needs of our rapidly growing e-commerce concern. Without Moss, we’d need at least two or perhaps even three people scanning and submitting receipts all day.”

Rehan Choudhry, Team Lead Finance, Snocks


“Having expenses, cards, and invoices all in one place has made it more efficient instead of using 3-4 different softwares. We’ve had an uptick in receipts actually being uploaded because it’s so easy to use.”

Tori Griffith, Finance Controller, Florence

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"Moss has saved us money through the visibility it has provided us - we have reduced our subscription spend by around £8k, as well as cancelling as many as 10 of the smaller subscriptions and removing seats from others that weren’t in use anymore."

Katy Hazley, Management Accountant, Orderly

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Experience modern spend management with Moss.

