Customer stories

Pizza Pilgrims chooses Moss for frictionless spend management

July 24, 2023
4 min

Pizza Pilgrims is an award-winning collection of pizzerias bringing happiness to customers through high-quality ingredients and an enjoyable dining experience. With 22 sites across England, the company needed an effective spend management solution to support their mission of building a frictionless journey for their team and customers.

Product used
  • Corporate Cards
  • Reimbursements
  • Invoice Management
Problems solved
  • Lengthy month end reconciliation
  • Overload of manual admin


day saved each month on processing


sites across England using Moss


cards issued

Before Moss

Managing spend across different areas was a challenge for the finance team. They used corporate cards with banks and an expense management platform for smaller expenditures, and expense reimbursements. However, the expense management platform didn't live up to their expectations, as employees often neglected to add receipts, and there was no way to block cards or recall money once it was spent. This resulted in the frequent chasing and escalating of issues.

Furthermore, there was no accountability for teams to adhere to the expense policy, and the credit card process was causing delays in month-end reconciliation. The admin team struggled with manually matching receipts and there was a lack of value-add in their daily tasks.

With Moss

Moss integrated seamlessly with Pizza Pilgrim’s existing accounting software, Sage, and quickly helped them gain control of their spend management.

The approval process became more efficient, providing visibility and reducing manual intervention in every transaction. The Moss platform offers the tools they need to manage expenses effectively and implement spend controls, authorisations, and limits, all in one place.

“We’re now trying to complete everything on a weekly basis so month-end is so much easier. We couldn’t have moved to this process without Moss in place.”
- Sophie Gilchriest, Finance Director at Pizza Pilgrims

Moss saves the finance team a significant amount of time each month. The previously lengthy credit card process is now much more efficient, cutting down on reconciliation hours. For the first time, the finance team can close month-end within their desired timeframe. The elimination of manual receipt matching was a huge timesaver, allowing the team to focus on value-adding tasks, reviewing the 20% of expenses that require attention, rather than double checking 100% of expenses.

Moss enables the finance team to flag issues, control cash flow more effectively, and plan for economic uncertainties. They can see expenses before they are incurred, and tighter controls reduced frivolous spending.

Experience Moss now and manage all your expenses in one place.

Moss cardMoss card