Moss event recap — Authentic Leadership: Paving the Way for Women in Finance

Felicity CatorFelicity CatorOctober 09, 2024
Moss event recap — Authentic Leadership: Paving the Way for Women in Finance

On 19 September Moss hosted an evening event for women from across the UK finance industry. The London-based gathering offered the opportunity to connect with and hear real experiences from female leaders in the finance space.

We welcomed four guest speakers to the panel:

  • Dhosjan Greenaway-Dalini MBA, VP Finance and Revenue Operations, Bia Innovate
  • Camille Pêtre, CFO, BeZero Carbon and Founder, Women in Carbon
  • Humera Afzal, Group CFO, Dr. Barbara Sturm
  • Layla Qassim, VP Chief of Staff, Moss

In this article we’ll recap the evening's key talking points and takeaways.

What skills do good leaders have in common?

First we asked our audience to participate in a poll to discover similarities in their experiences and interpretations of strong leadership. Below is the word cloud that emerged from the poll.

Among the many different attributes that our audience put forward, there were a few common suggestions that stood out — empathy, communication, approachability, integrity, confidence, kindness and assertiveness were among the most prominent.

Word cloud for leadership attributes

The importance of authenticity

Next we heard from the panel, led by Moss’ own VP Chief of Staff, Layla Qassim. They shared their experiences and insights on what it takes to be a successful leader, the obstacles they’ve overcome, and how to lead with authenticity. 

Above all, the panel characterised authenticity as maintaining integrity and being true to oneself. 

"It's really important not to necessarily seek out leadership, but just do a good job. Be confident in your abilities and stick to your values and have integrity." 

They advised that leaders who are genuine and empathetic create a collaborative and nurturing environment. Authentic leaders do not seek leadership for its own sake, but focus on doing a good job, being confident in their abilities, and adhering to their values.

"Authentic leaders are the ones that are able to bring the best out of people, make them confident and make them the best they can be."

Another shared opinion was that authentic leaders don’t simply conform to expected behaviours, but should instead bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table.

An event attendee discussing the important of authenticity for strong leadership.

Overcoming gender bias and imposter syndrome

Moving on, the panellists shared some of the challenges they’ve faced around gender bias as women in the finance space, and how this can affect self confidence.

They highlighted the importance of focusing on delivering in your work and showing your value through the knowledge and expertise you’ve built — and not being afraid to assert your capabilities. 

“Speak up because all of us in this room know our stuff…we're working hard and we have things to say that add value. If people [you work with] really care about the business progressing, they will eventually listen”. 

Imposter syndrome can be a significant barrier. But the panel agreed that it’s important to recognise it as a construct, and something that can be overcome. Confidence in your abilities and a willingness to take risks is key.

Leaders should believe in their worth and capabilities. When things don’t go to plan, strong leaders take responsibility, learn from their mistakes and move forward, without letting self-doubt hinder their progress. 

“You take accountability for when things go wrong. You're not in the blame game. I think that's quite important.”

The panel of speakers sharing their thoughts on overcoming imposter syndrome in the workplace.

Navigating your career path

The speakers also shared some tips on navigating a career path by not shying away from the importance of networking. One core piece of advice was building a strong network of people you trust and admire, and who understand the value you create through your work. 

“It's long term nurtured relationships of care and consideration”

These professional connections can be essential for successful movements throughout your career path. Aligning with the theme of authenticity in leadership, the panel noted that, rather than defaulting to transactional work relationships, it’s important to focus on authenticity here too. This is something that will continue to serve you as you navigate throughout your career.

Event attendees talking ahead of the panel discussion.

So, wrapping up, there are three key takeaways that you should take from the event.

Number one is the importance of authenticity, both in leadership and non-leadership positions. Authenticity doesn’t just help elevate your work, it also allows those around you to work to the best of their abilities — something that is essential for being an effective leader.

Number two is having confidence in your own abilities. Gender bias and imposter syndrome are challenges that all women in finance face, but they’re easier to overcome with the right balance of self belief, accountability, and a willingness to take risks when needed.

Finally, there’s the importance of building genuine, authentic relationships throughout your career. Having a network of people you trust can be a lifeline that serves you both inside and outside of the workplace.

Another big thank you to our panel and everyone who attended!

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